Course Overview
If the Business Analyst compiles a specification document, with a focus on quality, huge cost savings can be achieved during the software development project. Benefits will include, an increase in productivity as well as in development and testing time. This will have a positive impact successfully meeting the project delivery date.
Business Analysts are highly involved in both User Acceptance Testing and System Testing. It is therefor imperative that they understand how to apply the effective testing techniques for creating UAT test cases and how to participate in System Testing.
This course is specifically designed for the Business Analyst. Business Analysts can gain valuable knowledge in utilizing the testing team and testing principles. The course content and exercises focus mainly on User Acceptance Testing and will include System testing.
Learning objectives
Upon completion of the course the attendees will be able to:
- Understand the reasons why we test software
- Understand the risk of not testing software
- Understand the fundamental test process
- Understand how a test process fits into a development life cycle
- Understand the important role a business analyst plays in Quality Assurance and testing
- Identifying the test base as well as understanding the importance of managing the test base
- Be familiar with the various review types and how to effectively select the most applicable review type
- Identify and prioritize testing requirements
- Apply various test design techniques to create efficient and effective test conditions
- Be familiarized with the test case layout and its attributes
- Write high-quality test cases
- Execute test cases
- Compare actual and expected results
- Sufficiently log incidents
- Create reports based on the System and UAT results
Course Content
1. Introduction
- Why do we test
- The fundamental test process
- Testing and the development life cycle
- The Business Analyst, quality and testing
2.The Business Analyst
- Manage the test base
- Writing high-quality use cases
- Increased quality of the test base
- Choosing the right review type
- Exercise: Reviews
- Identify user requirements
- Requirement priorities and risks
- Exercise: Prioritize requirements
- Identify test conditions
3.Test techniques for System testing and UAT
- Equivalence Class Partitioning
- Boundary Value Analysis
- Exercise: ECP & BVA
- Decision Logic Tables
- Exercise: Decision Logic Tables
- State Transition diagrams
- Exercise: State Transitions
- Exploratory testing
- Exercise: Exploratory Testing
- Other test techniques
- Typical examples of test cases for System Testing
- Typical examples of UAT test cases
4.Test Design
- The Test Case Layout
- Writing a high-quality test case
5.Test Case Execution
- Input data and preconditions
- Actual and expected results
- Retesting and regression testing
6.Incident logging
- Go 5 steps back
- Attributes for incident logging
- Incident logging in your workplace
7.Reporting the quality of System and UAT testing
- The impact of System testing on UAT
- Reporting methods
- Making the right decisions
8.Questions and answers