We provide an all-inclusive service to all companies that create software products for corporate usage or as a service to their customers. As an ISTQB, IREB and TMMi Partner, we follow international frameworks of best practice and standards within all of our methodologies and processes.
TMMi Model

The TMMi model focuses on software testing at different maturity levels, with the assumption that all organizations start at TMMi level 1 of the maturity ladder. The more mature an organization’s testing practices, the higher level of TMMi maturity the organization fulfills.
The model has a staged architecture for test process improvement. It contains levels through which an organization passes as its testing process evolves from one that is ad hoc and unmanaged, to one that is managed, defined, measured, and in optimization mode, see figure 1 below. Achieving each level ensures that an adequate improvement has been laid as a foundation for the next stage.
Test process improvement efforts are focused on the needs of the organization in the context of its business environment. Moving through the different maturity levels increases the capability of test and software quality management to align with the needs of the business. The benefits are among others improved software product quality with fewer defects, but also improved test efficiency.

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