Whether you’re a new tester looking for some professional grounding to kickstart your career or you want to become a tester from scratch, developing and certifying both your theoretical knowledge and practical skills is crucial in setting you on the path to professionalism.
Develop your skills
At Impimpi Tech, we’ve worked for 9 years to create a robust, diverse portfolio of 13 courses that help testers start and advance their careers. We work closely with testers to customize their training and support various types of courses, ranging from traditional classroom training to self-paced online courses.
Our training will equip you with a solid theoretical background and offer practical, industry-relevant projects that incorporate the latest trends to give you hands-on experience that’ll keep you at the forefront of the industry.
Recommended Courses
Basic Principles of Software Testing – This course will take the attendees from their own frame of reference about testing in their everyday living to examples of testing complex software systems in various industries.
Practical Test Analyst – This course is specifically designed to provide testing resources with sufficient practical experiences that are industry related. The course is structured in such a way that it allows interactive class discussions on real–life testing situations experienced on a day to day basis.
Certify your skills
An internationally-recognized certificate from a leading organization like the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) sets you apart and allows you to demonstrate your skills to prospective employers.
We offer 6 accredited courses that have been specifically designed to prepare you for major ISTQB exams. They focus heavily on exam prep, offering you the invaluable support you need to ace the exam on your first try.
Recommended Course
ISTQB Foundation – This course provides test engineers and test managers with the essential ideas, processes, tools and skills they need in order to set themselves on a path for true testing professionalism. This hands–on course covers the major test design techniques with lecture and exercises.
What’s Next?
At Impimpi Technologies, we’re committed to helping you stay ahead in your career. Our advanced courses introduce more experienced testers to new areas of the industry, and we also help new testers connect with job opportunities. Feel free to contact us to customize your training or for more guidance as you start your software testing journey.
Basic Principles of Software Testing | 19 February 2020 | 14 April 2020 |
Practical Test Analyst | 16 March 2020 | 12 February 2020 |
ISTQB Foundation | 20 January 2020 | 3 February 2020 |
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